Sunday, December 02, 2007

I am cold

i am a cold man
colder than i should be
the freeze comes from inside my bones
and works its way out
it makes everything hard
except what feels good to be that way
and that makes others say i am cold
and not hard

piss on them all
i don't care that i am cold
i don't care that i can't see
i don't care that the heat
does nothing for me

i am a cold man
and that coldness is a blessing
no one wants to touch a cold man
no one wants to be cold

except me

©2007 All Rights Reserved by Stuart Dummit
(originally posted under the pseudonym "Gorgoth" on

Sunday, October 21, 2007

New Project

I am starting a new project which involves processed images taken with my celphone. Lots of possibilities here. Here is a sample of what is in store....

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©2007 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Irregular Heartbeat

music and lyric by Stuart Dummit

I'm trying hard not to hear
Lapping at the shoreline
Of my breathing (dreaming)

I've been living with an
Irregular heartbeat
A rhythm hard to feel
But recognized by more than just a few

Oh, I can feel the urge inside
Welling up inside me
Caught in the crossfire
My desires revealed themselves to you

With all the feelings
And the flavors
Of my favor

I cannot close my eyes without seeing yours
Dark with lust but cast away from me
Time slips between my hands
And there's nothing I can do to change the way I see you

I've been living with an
Impossible heartbeat
A rhythm known to all
But recognized by just a few

Oh, I can feel the surge inside
Rising up within me
Caught in the crossfire
My demise revealed itself to you

With all the feelings
And the flavors
All the intrigues
And the dangers
Of my favor

I cannot close my eyes without seeing yours
Dark with lust and cast away from me
I cannot raise my hand without knowing that
You'll see the sign and rush away from me
Rhyme sifts between my hands
And there's nothing I can do to change the way you see me

I'm trying hard
Not to fear
Lapping at the shoreline
Of my dreaming (breathing)

©2007 All Rights Reserved